Boats for Sale

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Baja Boats Information

Baja Boats: From the cockpit or the helm of a Baja, the rest of the world is just a blur. Watching your surroundings melt into a high-speed smear is what makes a boaters life worth living. This attitude has driven the engineers and craftsmen at Baja pour their hearts, souls and minds (and copious amounts of time) into designing, engineering, crafting and building one of the world's premier performance boats. Baja has earned numerous awards from powerboat publications. That, in part, is what inspires them to create ground-breaking watercraft like the “292 Islander”. A bit of time at the helm of a proper performance boat and you will never look at the world of boats the same way ever again. Total controlled speed is a sensation beyond words and it is a sensation that only a few of the very lucky will ever really attain. It's a feeling of being everywhere at once, yet in a properly handling watercraft it's also a feeling of confidence. 40' Baja BoatThis comes from knowing that although the throttle is wide open and your pushing the craft to its maximum, you are in total command. The folks at Baja are performance boat fans, just like you, especially if you’re reading this. Squeezing that extra speed is what makes Baja tick. The quest for excitement on the water is something we all have in common. Whether a family cruiser is in your future or you are lusting for an intimidating performance boat or offshore cruising sumptuousness, the folks at Baja offer a huge range of boats to fit your every need.


Resources for Baja owners and future owners

Click here for Baja Boats for Sale

Baja Boats Corporate Contact Information
Baja Marine Corp.
1520 Isaac Beal Road
Bucyrus , OH  44820
Fax: (419) 562-9848
Email Baja Boats for information
