HMY Yacht Sales, Inc.

65' Nordlund Custom - 1995

Earleville MD, Listing Number: M-8488938
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Click any image for a larger version

Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of Flybridge Helm
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of Aft Deck
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of Stern
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Door to engine room
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of workout equipment
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room controls
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room controls
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room equipment
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room equipment
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Interior shot of Engine Room controls
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of starboard profile on dock
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of starboard profile on dock
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of Bow profile on dock
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of Bow profile on dock
Nordlund 65 - Fia - Exterior shot of Bow profile on dock

